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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Staff Shout Outs!

Heya Staff!

As we head out and wind down for the break, we want to recognize these
Really Awesome staff members for their fantastic efforts this past week.  Email Julie to submit your own for next week!  In the meantime get some rest, eat some good food, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Laura Savall & Ryan Slowinski!
These two hosted a wonderful RAD event this past weekend - a Buffalo Wild Wings eating contest - that was super well attended and gave residents a lot of fun.  Nice job, Programmers!

Kari Brown!
Kari has been on top of her game managing some difficult situations with positivity, timely communication, and a roll-with-it attitude.  Thanks for going above and beyond, Kari!

Matthew Shultz & Akash Sen!
This pair put on a successful (and inadvertently well-timed) all area event centered around Super Smash Bros.  Residents had a blast and it was the perfect spring board for folks to go out and buy the newest Smash Bros game, which had just been released.  Like, that night.  It was funny and unexpected and totally awesome.  Well done!

Emily Coates, Karla Perez, & Veronica DeLisle!
These ladies hosted a well-attended all are about the health benefits of yoga and fruit smoothies. Residents participated in a half-hour yoga session (some of these pictures are ridiculous.  We have some flexible residents in TAJ, people) and despite some unanticipated hiccups (Rest in Peace, TAJ blender), the event was well executed and lots of fun.  Also, those smoothies were flippin' delicious.  Love it!

Derek Saxon, Jason Winkelmann, & Raymond Allen!
Your fearless SAHDs have taken the plunge into launching a new and exciting initiative in Ripon Residence Life - Hall Congress, a new incarnation of the previously seen Hall Council system.  These guys have put a lot of hard work and energy into launching this system and getting the word out, and the prostaff couldn't be more proud.  Keep it up, guys!

The TAJ Blender!
See note above under Emily, Karla, and Veronica.  You put up a good fight, little guy.  See you on the other side.

Be on the lookout for our new round of Shout Outs next week!

<3 DJ3

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