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Friday, March 6, 2015

Room Lottery 2015

Hello RAs-
When we get back from Spring Break things sort of turn into a WHIRLWIND of classes, RA obligations, and prep for next year.

Some RAs find it helpful to create a Bulletin Board about Room Lottery for their FY students who are confused about finding a room for next year or what the heck Room Lottery is and most of you have never been there either!

If you want to make that part of a passive program by using your BB and also posting information from the College's website with room dimensions and other things posted in the bathrooms or in the hallway to help your residents decide where to live- then you should! Contact Jessica Joanis for more information if you want to pick her brain.

Here is some Room Lottery info for you all!

Thanks everyone! Get geared up! It is going to be warmer soon and we will all be celebrating with sweatshirts and sandals!

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