Empower - Promote - Integrate - Challenge - Support

More. Together.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Great job everyone! We kicked some serious rear end and got everything done that we needed to and gave the RHD's plenty of time to get everything done they needed to!

Have a fantastic break, and we can't wait to see you for Winter RA training!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Top ten ways to keep your RA skills fresh over break

1.       Be sure to document your friends and family members who are not legally able to drink.

2.       Enforce quiet hours for all members of your family and friends.
3.       Do rounds of your house. Be sure to document any fire hazards or trash left around.

4.       Come up with a fun program for your family to over break.

5.       Plan Christmas dinner for under $3.50.

6.       Text those you are spending break with of any work orders that may occur.

7.       Create door decs for your family.

8.       Make sure that you are home and in your room by 1:00am.

9.       Force your family to refer to your house as a Residence Hall.

10.   Make waivers for your friends and family when you go sledding. 

Bonus: Text your Hall Director and wish them a Happy Holiday!

Friday, December 4, 2015

RA RC Hawk Wellness Challenge!

Hello Everyone!

The RC Hawk wellness challenge is coming to an end soon!

Here are the standings for each area so far:

1st- TAJ

Here are the standings so far individual RA's

1st-Michaela Myers
2nd-Aspen Geheber
3rd-Danae Chaltry

There is still time for submissions! They are due to M on Friday, December 11th, by 11:59pm if your submission will count.

Here is more information!

So How Do You Earn Points?
·       Take a picture with yourself and a resident(s) from your floor at any of the following events and email it to M to earn 2 points per resident for you, and 2 points per resident for your staff score:
o   Working out at the fitness center
o   Attending an intramural event
o   Attending an RC HAWK-sponsored speaker or event (look for the RC HAWK logo on flyers, and for emails from M about upcoming events!)
·       Take a picture of you and your residents at the wellness fair and send them to M to earn 3 points per resident for you, and 3 points per resident for your staff score!  (The Wellness Fair is Tuesday Nov. 10th 10:30am-1:30pm)
·       Take a picture showing you and a resident eating a healthy, balanced meal on campus (that means your plates should be in the picture, too!) and earn 1 point per resident for you, and 1 point per resident for your staff score!
·       Send a short paragraph to M that explains how a floor program you put on promotes one of the six areas of wellness, and earn 5 points per resident for you, and 5 points per resident for your staff score!  The six areas of wellness are:
o   Community
o   Purpose
o   Social
o   Financial
o   Physical
o   Mental/emotional
·       Take a picture of a bulletin board on your floor that promotes one of the six areas of wellness and email to M with a few sentences describing it to earn 5 points for you, and 5 points for your staff!
·       Send a short paragraph to M that explains how an all-area program you put on promotes one of the six areas of wellness, and earn 10 points for your staff (no individual points for this one)