Want to use one of the fun team-builders from today's in-service with your residents? Here they are!
1. Blind Plygon = Each
group will be given a long rope tied in a circle, and will have to spread out
around it holding on to the rope. Everyone closes their eyes (you'll have
to really watch to make sure no one peaks). A shape will be announced,
and the groups will have a minute to try to form themselves into the most perfect
form of that shape without opening their eyes.
2. Blindfold maze = Tape out some sort of pathway
on the carpet One person is blindfolded and not allowed
to speak. The other people can see and can speak, but must spread out around the path and stay in one place. The group needs to direct
their blindfolded person through the maze, without letting them step out of bounds. See who can get the furthest or finish fastest!
3. Stand-Ups = Groups will five minutes (or until the first group completes the challenge with every
member of their group included). Starting with two people they select
from the staff, the pair sits back to back and links arms, and must stand up
without unlinking arms or pulling away from each other. When they have made it to
fully standing, they start over with three people (they can just add a person
to the original two, pick three new people, whatever). This keeps going as
high up as the group can get. The first group to get their whole group standing together, or the group with the most people after five minutes, wins.
4. Hula Hoop Pass = Have the group form a
circle holding hands. Ask two people to let go of their grip long enough for
them to place their hands through a hula hoop before rejoining them.
The team task is to pass the hula hoop around the circle in a specified direction until it returns to the starting point.
The team task is to pass the hula hoop around the circle in a specified direction until it returns to the starting point.
5. Speed Telestrations =
Each group will sit in a line, with every other person facing opposite direction, and each person will have little notecard-sized pieces
of scrap paper and markers/pens. The first person in the line will be given a slip
of paper with the name of a Disney movie on it. Then, using only pictures (no talking, no writing words), they need to draw it so the next person can
guess the movie title to write down so the next person can draw it, etc.
But the catch is that each group needs to get three movie titles correctly
passed down to the end of their line the fastest -- if the last person guesses
the wrong movie, they have to start over.
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