So the RHDs have noticed this trend where we think that cute animals are the PERFECT solution to basically any concern, conundrum, or quandary.
Seriously, puppies fix everything.
Jessica does not agree, and seems to think that fuzzy things of the animal variety have no place in Reslife matters. To a certain extent, this is very true and completely understandable. After all, a residence hall is no place for a pet (besides aquatic fish in one 10-gallon aquarium per resident), and pet policies exist as they do for very, very good reasons.
Julie would like to assert that while animals have no place in the residence halls, they do have a place in Residence Life. After all, we can learn quite a bit from the animal kingdom, and what better way to utilize an internet-based tool for continued training and education (read: the Reslife Reader) than by doing what the internet does best: finding pictures of cute and funny animals and sharing them with those we love.
With that, I introduce you to a new feature of the Reslife Reader: Paws & Reflect
Issue 1: Scout
This is Scout. Scout is a pit bull from Ontario, and proud mascot of "Stuff on Scout's Head," a blog on Tumblr that you should probably bookmark, or whatever it is you do on Tumblr when you find something cool to share.
Aside from being cute as can be, Scout has a particular talent that I think all of us could learn from.
Scout is very good at balancing things.
He balances time, and the so-few hours in a day.
He balances his health, the things that are good for him....
....and things that are less good, but super enjoyable at the time. (This requires a bit of will power, as I'm sure you can imagine.)
He balances times when he needs to be a bit more professional, along with times when he can cut loose and enjoy the party.
The things that he balances can vary depending on the time of the year, as seasons change and our commitments, priorities, and interests evolve.
No matter what he balances, a couple things stay consistent. Scout keeps his focus, eyes directly on the motivation in front of him. He's balancing things for a reason, and doesn't get distracted from the thing that's keeping him going - in this case, his owner.
That's something else that's important. All over the blog, it's clear that Scout's human thinks the world of him. He has found a place full of love and support, and it's that encouragement that helps him to balance so well. There's no pressure to balance, only cheerful praise when he takes on one of these challenges and succeeds.

Scout has a thing or two to teach about balance. But as RAs, you guys have plenty of your own experience to bring to the table. Take a few minutes today to think about how things balance out in your life, and how you manage keep things steady. What do you have perched at the tip of your nose these days, and what sorts of things might you need to set aside? How do you keep your focus, and how can the RA position, your staff, and your Hall Director help you in that juggling act? And for the record, take a moment to recognize what a rockstar you are for balancing all that you do. Because you guys are pretty awesome, and Scout thinks so too.
Much love,
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