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Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Seven Ps

You know those sayings, anecdotes, morals at the end of fairy tales, and just over all wise words that we are taught as young people and such?

Well my favorite one is called the Seven Ps. I used to say it a lot more often than I do now, but I thought that on this Thursday I would impart a tiny bit of my wisdom to you. (I am not sure that is even the appropriate use of impart). 

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. 

The Seven Ps came from a British Army adage that was actually a bit different than what I have listed above: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. See how they added practice in there? 

There is also a version that approaches it with a positive angle: Prior Planning Promotes Proper Performance, Presentation, Play, and Pay. 

Oh and the one about body building: Proper Prior Planning Promotes Peak Performance.

These are words to live by people, no matter the version you identify with, and don't forget it! Just remember that when you plan something out, a program, a paper, studying for a test, etc. you are bound to perform better.  

Happy Thursday,

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