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Monday, February 2, 2015

Recruitment & Selection: Why You Should Care

Hey staff!

It's recruitment season here in Reslife World, and you've already gotten several emails asking for your help and input.  There are several ways you all can be involved in helping us select the newest crop of RAs, from nominating candidates, to helping us conduct interviews, to participating in information sessions and just generally sharing your insight.  Here are a few of the many reasons why as a current/returning/brand new/graduating/totally awesome staff member, YOU should care about RA recruitment and selection!

  • If you're returning to staff, these are the people you're going to be working with!  Have a say in choosing your next staff! 
  • If you're not returning next semester, this is your legacy.  Help to leave Ripon Reslife better than you found it.
  • Each year our RAs report that helping with the interview process gave them valuable experience and insight that they look forward to utilizing in their professional endeavors.  (Seriously, interviewing takes on a totally different feel once you've been on the other side of the table.)
  • The more you help spread the word and encourage awesome candidates to apply, the greater our pool of applicants to select our staff from.  And the more candidates we can look at, the more likely we are to find those stellar staff members who can help make YOUR Reslife experience just that much more awesome.
  • You know your residents, your friends, and your peers better than anyone else does.  Help them to maximize their potential and help Jill, David, Jessica and I see our shining stars-to-be.
  • As an RA, you have to be able to trust each other.  These are the folks who are going to have your back at 3am.  This is a chance to start developing those relationships early and feel good about the folks we're bringing in to be in your corner.

Help us bring in the best of the best and make 2015-2016 the best year Ripon Reslife has seen yet.

Keep being awesome,

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