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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Publicity: It Ain't No Thang

How many of us struggle to make awesome flyers for our events? Sometimes you just cannot get the juices flowing.

I thought today I would share some examples of not only good publicity but good use of resources.

This ExtravaGamesZa flyer was made in about 20 minutes by our very own Julie Weiner. Not only does it take advantage of using color printing by making the cost per page worth it- it also is super eye catching. It looks like a professional put that together. If you see Julie give her a high five for her effort. 

Speaking of hands- look at them all over this flyer. Not only is white paper FREE to the College from the Ripon Area Printers, it also makes an awesome back drop for these hand prints which tie into the theme of the event and provide an eye catching way to advertise. 
This flyer does not have any fantastic imagery or anything like that. But it does get straight to the point- it covers the entire page, it has a logo to tie it to other RAD events, and it uses the Guitar Hero logo. Simple but sweet.

One year the theme for TOTU was Boot Scootin' TOTU. A western theme- obviously. Well above someone did draw this- quite cool if you ask me. A great way to add some talent into things. But below they just crumpled up some paper and took a black and white print out of my face to make a wanted poster. This was pasted with butcher block paper with the details for the event. It was not difficult or time consuming- it was just thinking outside of a piece of paper and a marker. 
The pro staff and the SAHDs want to challenge all of you to think outside the box- the RA with the best publicity for their first program after Spring Break will be awarded a prize and $20 gift card. Jessica is the ultimate judge. She wants you to IMPRESS her! Submit to her, via email, a copy of your publicity by March 31 to be considered.

Thanks RA world!

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